School Handbook

For ease of use, this handbook is generally organized in alphabetical order by subject.
About Us
Foothills Christian School provides a comprehensive elementary education program from preschool to the eighth grade.
Students in preschool through eighth grade are taught in traditional classrooms. Christian truths and values are integrated into the curriculum. Curriculum is obtained from ABEKA, Bob Jones and ACSI. Phonics based reading is started at the Kindergarten level.

Admission to Foothills Christian School is by application. The school admits students of any color, race, national or ethnic origin. The school does not discriminate on the basis of color, race, national or ethnic origin.
Foothills Christian School is an approved private school in the State of Washington. Approval means that we meet all state requirements for private schools.
We desire to understand and aid parents in their responsibility of educating their children. Consistent, punctual attendance is a very crucial part of that education and helps each student attain the maximum input through his/her school years. Parents should attempt to schedule any planned activities (dentist appts., etc.) outside regular school hours. Should it be necessary for your student to leave school during the day, please send a note to the teacher so the departure will cause the least amount of disruption to the class. Emergency departures are an exception. The following policies outline how absence and late arrival will be handled.
School starts at 8:30am with the Pledge of Allegiance. Students not at their desks when the pledge begins are considered tardy.
Tardy Policy
We believe that being tardy has a negative impact on success in school. Therefore the following policy has been implemented.
Students arriving after the designated starting time of school will be declared tardy. Students who arrive late are to go to the office to get a tardy slip. To have an excused tardy, a note, phone call or parent visit is required. When a student accumulates five unexcused tardies, a parent conference may be held.
Attendance Policy
Student attendance is recorded daily. Failure of a student to attend school is considered an absence. Each absence will be considered “excused” or unexcused”. An “excused” absence is an absence with knowledge and consent of the custodial parent.
Upon returning to school, students are to bring a signed and dated note from the parent detailing the nature of the absence. This will indicate whether the absence is “excused” or “unexcused”. If a student returns without a note, they will be considered “unexcused”.
Whenever a student accumulates nine absences, a parent, teacher, principal meeting may be held to determine a plan to deal with subsequent absences.
Chapel occurs once per week. Students participate in a chapel service lead by the school staff. Parents and friends are always welcome to attend our chapel services.
Damage to the School Property
It is expected that all damages, accidental or not, will be acknowledged by the person involved, a plan for reimbursement made and restitution completed.

Dress Standards
Students enrolled at Foothills Christian School are expected to follow the precepts of 1 Timothy 4:12 in respect to dress and grooming.
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. (1 Tim 4:12 NIV)
We know the Bible does not say precisely what kind of clothes to wear, but it does give guidelines to follow when it comes to conduct and appearance. We realize that simply stating “students need to dress modestly” does not clarify what modesty means. Modesty may be interpreted differently by different people. What some may consider modest may be considered outrageous to others and vice versa. Foothills Christian School has adopted the following dress code based on our interpretation of modesty.
- Shirts must cover the stomach. When a student reaches over their head, their stomach should not show. Shirts/tops must have shoulder straps at least 3 fingers in width and not be too low cut; too low means that you can see into the shirt when the student bends over.
- Pants must be high enough in the waist to cover the student’s bottom completely, even when bending over. Pants must cover underwear, boxers must not show. Pants and shorts must be free of holes. Leggings or yoga pants must be worn in combination with a top that covers the person’s mid-section down to the thigh. skirt or shorts. Nice sweat pants are allowed.
- Shorts must be no more than 3 inches above the middle of the knee of the student.
- Skirts and dresses that have a hemline above the knee may be worn as long as the student wears shorts beneath. Skirts and dresses may be worn without shorts beneath as long as the hemline is at the knee or below.
- The following clothing is considered inappropriate for school classroom:
- Spandex shorts or pants, baggy shorts, pants or shirts. Shirts with rude or offensive language or images.
- For safety reasons, especially on the playground, the following shoes are inappropriate: Flip-flops, strapless sandals or backless shoes – Shoes should be worn at all times and should always be tied or strapped.
The dress code will be enforced at the discretion of the faculty and staff with assistance of the principal. When a child is out of compliance with the dress code one of the following will occur:
- A note will go home informing the parents.
- The student will be sent home to change.
- The student will be given a set of clothing from an assortment at the school to borrow for the day and a note will go home informing the parents.
Electronic Devices
The school board and staff of Foothills Christian School recognize that cell phones have become part of everyday life in America. Therefore the following policy has been adopted.
Students may bring cell phones to school. They must be turned off during class time. Texting during class time is prohibited. Teachers reserve the right to collect, and hold phones if necessary. In after care, cell phones may be used only with the permission of the After Care Attendant. Video games and other electronic devices should be left at home, with the exception of tablets or laptop computers that are being used for in-class, educational purposes with teacher permission.
Emergency Information Forms
Emergency information is requested for each student on both the registration papers and on a separate emergency form. The teacher takes emergency forms when a class goes on any activity.
In case of emergency, Foothills Christian School will follow the following procedure:
- Attempt to notify parents/guardian
- If unable to contact the parent/guardian, FCS will call the emergency contact number listed on emergency form.
- If still unable to contact someone, FCS will take your child to the nearest emergency facility if necessary.
Please keep the school up to date with your home, cell and work phone numbers. You will also be contacted should your child become ill during the day or weather conditions necessitate the closure of school in the middle of the school day.
Emergency Preparedness
The school emergency preparedness policy/plan has been adopted by the FCS board and is being implemented. Details of the policy are available at the school office if you would like to review. This policy details specific actions taken by staff in the event of a major emergency such as fire, earthquake, intruder etc. In the event of such an emergency, a person will be designated as the Public Information Officer (PIO) and will be the only person giving information to the public, parents, press, emergency responders, etc.
Parents arriving at the school in the event of a major emergency will be asked to gather in the parking lot at 2710 E. Fir, Mount Vernon Church of the Nazarene. Parents will be asked to follow instructions from the emergency personnel on site there.

Field Trips
Each teacher arranges field trips at various times throughout the school year. Sometimes parents are needed to help supervise and drive. If you are willing to drive and supervise for field trips, we require that you provide your child’s teacher with a copy of your driver’s license, current auto insurance and fill out a Washington State Patrol background check form and our statement of moral integrity.
Please make arrangements ahead of time if your child is being picked up early from a field trip.
Grading Scale
Foothills Christian School uses the following grading scale:
A+ 97-100% C+ 77-79% F Below 65%
A 93-96% C 73-76%
A- 90-92% C- 70-72%
B+ 87-89% D+ 68-69%
B 83-86% D 66-67%
B- 80-82% D- 65%
Lunches are the responsibility of the parents. Please pack a nutritious lunch for your child each day. You may include a snack for your child to eat at snack time. Pizza is available for purchase on most Fridays. `
Medication at School
Ideally, medication should be given to children at home, not at school. If the child’s physician prescribed medication program requires that the student have medication during school hours, it must be kept by the teacher or in the office.
The teacher must have a written statement from the doctor identifying the medication, instructions for administering, and authorization for the school to administer the medication. The medication should be brought to school in the original bottle, labeled with the child’s name, dosage and frequency instructions. The medication will be dispensed by school staff, not medical personnel.
Non-prescription medication (Tylenol or Tums) will be handled in the same manner as long as the medication is brought from home.

Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled at the end of the first and third quarter. This gives parents and the teacher opportunity to discuss the student’s progress. Parents are strongly urged to attend. Additional conferences can be scheduled as necessary by contacting the student’s teacher or as requested by the teacher or administrator.
Personal Property
Students must accept responsibility for personal property brought to school. The school will endeavor to protect all personal property, but in the final analysis the student is responsible for his/her own property. Large sums of money or jewelry of real or keepsake value should not be brought to school. Administration will make determinations about individual items/fads that are felt to interfere with a student’s learning or spiritual wellbeing. Weapons of any type are NOT allowed at school.
The following pledges are used at Foothills Christian School:
Pledge of Allegiance
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Christian Flag Pledge
I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag and to the Savior for whose Kingdom it stands; one savior, crucified, risen and coming again with life and liberty for all who believe.
Bible Pledge
I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s Holy Word, I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I will hide its word in my heart that I might not sin against God.

Policy on Communication
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. (Romans 12:18 NIV)
It is important to establish lines of communication that operate in a biblical fashion. This is particularly important when it comes to dealing with conflicts and grievances. The basic biblical principle, stated by Jesus in Matthew 18, is to speak first to the person most directly involved, and not to make a circle of knowledge any larger than is necessary to deal with the situation.
Parents and other supporting members of the school community are encouraged to communicate with the teachers and staff of Foothills Christian School. Please contact anyone on the staff with suggestions, questions, and words of advice, encouragement, or admonition. If problems arise, go as directly to the source as possible for an explanation.
Students or parents who experience conflict with a teacher should first see the teacher privately and discuss the matter. If this conference does not resolve the problem, then request a conference with the school principal.
Parents and other members of the school community should model community conscious behavior before their children. If a parent has a question or grievance, it should be pursued. It is unwise to undermine the position of a teacher or the school in general by exposing his/her child to unnecessary criticisms.
Report Cards
Report cards are issued after each quarter. Final report cards will not be issued when there is an outstanding account balance.
School Hours
Regular school hours are Monday through Friday 8:30AM to 3:00PM. Half day hours are 8:30AM to 12:00Noon.
Students are asked to arrive for school no earlier than 8:15AM and we request that they be picked up no later than 3:10PM. Good behavior is expected when waiting. Students remaining at 3:15PM will be checked into After Care and charged accordingly.
Parents must call the school in advance if someone other than the usual person is to pick-up their student. This is to assure the safety of all students.
Student Discipline
Philosophy: Discipline at Foothills Christian School will operate under a Biblically-based philosophy. We endeavor to discipline with love, understanding, and just biblical values. Students will be expected to behave in a manner consistent with Christian principles and ideals. Spoken language, interpersonal interactions, response to authority, and pubic behavior will be expected to be of the highest quality.
FCS School Conduct Standards
1. Be respectful and courteous at all times;
2. Be obedient to all staff expectations and directions;
3. Complete all assigned school work;
4. Be where you’re supposed to be at all times;
5. Follow expectations for use of computers, email and the internet;
6. Follow all classroom and school-wide expectations.
Discipline Procedures: Students will be made familiar with the FCS discipline policy by their respective teachers early in the school year. Significant and/or repeated infractions will be dealt with using a written discipline notice. Two copies of all discipline notices will be sent to parents who will be required to sign and return one of said copies. When a second discipline notice is issued within a 30-day period and/or a notice for severe forms of misbehavior is issued, a parent/teacher/student/administrator conference will be required.
Disciplinary Actions:
- Loss of Privilege: For minor or repeated minor infractions, students may lose privileges such at recess time, field trips, special events, etc.
- After-School Detention: The student would be detained after school for a period of time up to but not exceeding one (1) hour. Detentions would be of a duration of no longer than five (5) days.
- Short-term Suspensions: Suspensions of three days will be issued for repeated violations (more than three in a 30-day period). Suspensions of three to five days will be issued for violations such as fighting, minor assault, bullying, cheating, inappropriate language, etc. A “re-entry” conference with the student, parent(s), and staff will be held before the student is allowed back in school.
- Emergency Expulsion: For actions deemed dangerous and/or threatening to the health and well-being of other students and staff, emergency expulsions of a minimum of three (3) days can be issued. During that three day expulsion, a conference will be held with staff, student, and parents to determine the length of the suspension and the conditions necessary for the student’s re-entry into school. Emergency expulsion days can be converted to or count toward long-term suspensions resulting from actions requiring an emergency expulsion.
- Long-Term Suspensions and Expulsions: Long-term suspensions (more than 5 days) will be issued for individual severe violations or repeated incidents of minor and/or severe violations as outlined above. Long-Term suspensions can be for the remainder of a quarter and/or semester or the remainder of the school year. A student’s return following a long-term suspension will require the students’ parent(s) to meet with the administration and the school board. Conditions for the student’s return to school will be set by the administration. If it is determined that these conditions have not been met, an expulsion can be issued. Conditions for a student’s return can include but will not be limited to the following: Extended personal and/or family counseling with a licensed mental health professional; financial restitution in cases where school and/or personal property is affected; agreement to a written behavior contact specifying corrective actions and conditions, or all of the above. Note: Tuition for expelled students will be refunded only for days beyond the end of the calendar month in which the expulsion begins. Enrollment and/or materials fees will not be refunded.
- Parental Recourse: In the event that a parent disagrees with and/or feels aggrieved by disciplinary actions taken by the staff and/or board of Foothills Christian School, they may request (in writing) a meeting with the FCS Board. Said request must be given to the school administration and/or the board president within seven (7) calendar days of the issuance of the notice. A meeting with the board is to be scheduled within seven (7) calendar days following the delivery of the parental request. Decisions by the FCS Board on such matters are considered final.
Foothills Christian School is not able to provide transportation to and from school for your student. A student list will be provided at the beginning of the school year. You are welcome to use that to arrange your own carpooling if you so desire. We do have a small bus that is used for transportation for field trips.
Parents are welcome to visit the classroom at any time; arranging a time with the teacher in advance causes less disruption to class time. Please be aware that class time is valuable and teachers are not free to visit during instruction times. Visitors other than parents are welcome on an individual basis if previously arranged with the teacher.
Foothills Christian School welcomes and needs volunteer involvement from parents and other members of the Body of Christ. Students benefit from the extra attention and time that school volunteers provide.
Volunteers enrich and strengthen the school curriculum. All participants, students, teachers and volunteers benefit from this mutually rewarding and worthwhile experience.
Opportunities for volunteer involvement include providing one-to-one or small group tutoring, assisting in the classroom as monitors, helping in the office, or chaperoning field trips. Speakers who are willing to share their specialties or hobbies are also welcome in the classroom. Before volunteering, we ask parents to prayerfully consider their ability to follow through on a consistent basis. It is difficult for teachers and students when scheduled volunteers do not follow through. Also, a Washington State Patrol background check must be done for anyone working in the school. Please talk to your child’s teacher to discuss volunteer possibilities.
School hours may be altered when there is severe weather. Typically, we will follow Mount Vernon School District’s lead about delays or cancellations; check our Facebook page or the website as well. If there is a delayed start due to weather, there will be NO preschool that day. Our students come from various locations throughout the valley; you may experience more severe weather than where the school is located, please use your own judgment and be safe.

Psalm 121:1–2
I lift up my eyes to the hills.
From where does my help come?
My help comes from the LORD,
who made heaven and earth.
Location: 730 N 16th St
Mount Vernon, WA 98273
Mount Vernon, WA 98273